Chthonian: The Mask

Name: Akumomonga

Alternate Name: Loptdread’s Anguish

Description: The Mask are mysterious Chthonians that appear to be cloaked bipedal cats under white cloaks and wearing masks. Their bodies are bound in chains, and they are always surrounded by living silhouettes of small animals. They are one of the few Chthonians that were not born from Twilight Fruits and unlike other Chthonians, it is unknown where they come from.

Behavior: There are only two recorded actions for this Chthonian. The first is them traveling. They travel slowly and endlessly wander across Vallice. The second is them just standing in place and swaying. There is not much known about these Chthonians otherwise. They do not eat, fight, or even vocalize. Any interaction with these Chthonians shows they are aware of the world around them yet refuse to acknowledge it.  The only interactions with Chthonians are the various Chthonians attempting to interact with The Mask before appearing to weep aggressively.

Threat: As of now there has yet to be a single attack from The Mask. They are not considered a threat although as with any Chthonian caution is encouraged.

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